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Microbial Fuel Cell - A Bioelectrochemical System that Converts Waste to Watts
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Microbial Fuel Cell - A Bioelectrochemical System that Converts Waste to Watts
von: Debabrata Das
Springer-Verlag, 2017
ISBN: 9783319667935
508 Seiten, Download: 9919 KB
Format:  PDF
geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop

Typ: B (paralleler Zugriff)


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This book represents a novel attempt to describe microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as a renewable energy source derived from organic wastes. Bioelectricity is usually produced through MFCs in oxygen-deficient environments, where a series of microorganisms convert the complex wastes into electrons via liquefaction through a cascade of enzymes in a bioelectrochemical process.

The book provides a detailed description of MFC technologies and their applications, along with the theories underlying the electron transfer mechanisms, the biochemistry and the microbiology involved, and the material characteristics of the anode, cathode and separator. It is intended for a broad audience, mainly undergraduates, postgraduates, energy researchers, scientists working in industry and at research organizations, energy specialists, policymakers, and anyone else interested in the latest developments concerning MFCs. 

Debabrata Das, Ph.D. (IIT-Delhi), FIAHE, FNAE, FBRS, FAScT, FIE(I), is a senior professor and former MNRE Renewable Energy Chair Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. He has made significant contributions to bioenergy production processes by applying fermentation technology. His primary areas of research are gaseous fuel production from organic wastes; CO2 sequestration, biodiesel production from microalgae; and electricity generation from microbial fuel cells. He has authored more than 140 research publications in peer-reviewed journals, has written two textbooks and one reference book, and has contributed more than 23 book chapters. He has been awarded the IAHE Akira Mitsue award and Malaviya Memorial award for senior faculty for his contributions to hydrogen research. He is Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy and serves on the editorial boards of several international journals.

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