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Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia
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Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia
von: Paolo Billi
Springer-Verlag, 2015
ISBN: 9789401780261
389 Seiten, Download: 49771 KB
Format:  PDF
geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop

Typ: B (paralleler Zugriff)


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This book provides a succinct but comprehensive presentation of key geomorphological locations and topics including information about geomorphological heritage and maps to visit the most important sites.

Apart from often being remarkably scenic, landscapes reveal stories that often can be traced back in time tens of million years and include unique events. This is particularly true for Ethiopia where spectacular examples of different landforms are present. Its geomorphology varies from highlands, marked by high volcanoes and incised by deep river gorges, to the rift valley lakes endorheic systems and the below sea level lowlands with characteristic landscapes which are unique in the world. Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia highlights all these topics including essential information about geology and tectonic framework, past and present climate, hydrology, geographical regions and long-term geomorphological history. It is a highly informative book, providing insight for readers with an interest in geography and geomorphology.

Paolo Billi is a Professor of Fluvial Dynamics and Geomorphology in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Ferrara in Italy. His research interests include river geomorphology, including specific topics such as river hydrology, sediment transport, river channel processes, sediment yield, gully erosion and soil erosion processes. Furthermore, he is interested in climatic change worldwide. Specific topics he investigates are human impact on rivers, desertification processes, land degradation, climate change and river response and water resources conservation.

Prof. Paolo Billi has been carrying out field and laboratory studies on these topics in Italy, in Europe and since 1983, throughout the whole Horn of Africa in Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan and Eritrea. He is author of more than 170 papers in national and international journals.

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